Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Historical Passion Tour: Scavenger Hunt for Anya Richards

What the Mistress Did
Anya Richards


Oh, the delicious peril of deception…

Lady Marianne Gillingham has no intention of ending her affair with David Dunscombe, Earl Harrington, despite his pending nuptials. She craves his attentions, and he satisfies her deepest yearnings.

Yet, when his fiancĂ©e, the sweet, innocent and oh-so-very young Annabelle Frazier, appears on her doorstep to demand the end of the association, Marianne realizes she does not wish to be second in David’s affections. She also cannot resist issuing a warning. The earl will bed his wife with tedious regularity, but never reveal his more unusual desires.

To Marianne’s amusement, her prediction comes true, with a surprising twist. The countess is back with a new demand: repair the problem her prophetic words created. Taking pleasure in imagining the other woman’s fear and horror, Marianne rekindles the affair to demonstrate exactly how to fulfill David’s lascivious desires—while Annabelle secretly watches from the shadows.

She never expected Annabelle to prove so resilient and surprisingly easy—not to mention delicious—to corrupt. Or that the ensuing erotic tangle would be impossible to put right without heartbreak.

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Historical erotica (Georgian-set)

Excerpt One:
Such a delectable morsel.

Standing in front of the fireplace, fingers knotted into the sides of her skirts, Miss Annabelle Frasier tries to stare me down. The generations of aristocracy in her lineage allow a credible effort, but it isn’t enough. No matter the careful styling of her wig into a powdered coiffure fit for a queen, the width of her panniers or richness of her accoutrements. To me she is a fledgling, sweetly young, trying wings not yet adult enough for the journey attempted.

The sight of her moves and angers me, stirring feelings I never imagined experiencing under such circumstances. She is an unwelcome disruption in the carefully crafted pattern of my life, and the urge to set her upon her ear is hard to resist.

Oh, the delicious danger of it.

“You must realise he is now mine, Lady Gillingham. Surely you know the time has come to let him go.”

My gaze travels slowly from the pale heart-shaped face to the tips of her pink shoes peeping from beneath costly striped sarcenet, trimmed with the finest Brussels lace, and back up again. Compounding the insult, with a sweep of my hand I encompass the room and, by extension, the entire house. “My dear Miss Frasier, do you see your intended husband here? Believe me when I say I am not holding him captive.”

For a long moment, she simply stares at me, the remarkable grey-green eyes flashing, lips parsimonious with annoyance.

Even so vexed, she is a fetching sight and, although still amused, a frisson of fear touches my spine. Skin like a peach just ripe on the branch rises above the low-cut bodice of her striped gown. Eyes clear, wide-set and beautiful, even without the aid of cosmetics. Not a wrinkle or line mars her complexion. I know, without even a glance in the mirror, the same can no longer be said of me. When she finally replies, I watch the movement of her soft pink mouth, fascinated against my will.

“Lord Harrington and I are to wed, my lady. Surely your conscience tells you there cannot be three in a marriage? The vows taken are sacred, not to be trifled with.”

It takes some effort to bank my annoyance and present only laughter. “I take no vows, madam, make no promises, so my conscience is clear.”

Excerpt One Question: What are the names of the people getting married?


After living a checkered past, and despite an avowed disinterest in domesticity, multi-published erotic romance author Anya Richards settled in Ontario, Canada, with husband, kids, an adorable pup and a cat that plots world domination, one food bowl at a time. Her slightly darker alter-ego, Anya Delvay, emerges occasionally to write erotica.

Interested in all things historical and hysterical, Anya describes herself as intensely curious, (although the word ‘nosy’ has been bandied about) and a life-long people-watcher. Using what she’s discovered about people, places and various weird and wonderful things, Anya has written contemporary, historical and paranormal/fantasy romance novels, novellas and short stories for Samhain Publishing, Ellora’s Cave, Cleis Press and Spice Briefs.

To find out more, please drop by Anya’s website at, follow her on Twitter or like her on Facebook.

Rafflecopter: a Rafflecopter giveaway Giveaway: One (1) full set of ebooks from this tour

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