A Santini Christmas
Series: The Santinis
, Book 5.0
By: Melissa Schroeder | Other books by Melissa Schroeder
Published By: Melissa Schroeder
Published: Nov 26, 2013
ISBN # 9781939734112
By: Melissa Schroeder | Other books by Melissa Schroeder
Published By: Melissa Schroeder
Published: Nov 26, 2013
ISBN # 9781939734112
Word Count: 21,500
Heat Index
Heat Index

Join the Santinis as they gather together not for the joy of the season,
but in crisis. One major event throws everything they hold dear into
jeopardy, rallying the Santini brothers to support them mother and
thrusting Joey back to the memories of when she and Papa first fell in
Joey Antonio doesn’t have time for men. Her focus is on saving money for art school. She definitely doesn’t need some jarhead Romeo bothering her. True, every time they run into each other she finds herself more attracted to him—not to mention the kisses he steals are becoming addictive. Still, no matter how sexy the Marine is, she isn’t a woman who is willing to risk her heart.
Stewart Santini, known to everyone as Papa, is convinced Joey is the woman for him. Sexy, smart and tough—exactly how he likes his women. He finds himself falling even before he knows what hit him…but there is one problem: Joey is willing to share her bed, but not her life.
But, this is one Marine who will battle to win the most precious thing in the world to him: Joey Antonio’s heart.
The Santinis
Joey Antonio doesn’t have time for men. Her focus is on saving money for art school. She definitely doesn’t need some jarhead Romeo bothering her. True, every time they run into each other she finds herself more attracted to him—not to mention the kisses he steals are becoming addictive. Still, no matter how sexy the Marine is, she isn’t a woman who is willing to risk her heart.
Stewart Santini, known to everyone as Papa, is convinced Joey is the woman for him. Sexy, smart and tough—exactly how he likes his women. He finds himself falling even before he knows what hit him…but there is one problem: Joey is willing to share her bed, but not her life.
But, this is one Marine who will battle to win the most precious thing in the world to him: Joey Antonio’s heart.
The Santinis
(c) 2013 Melissa Schroeder and Harmless PublishingStriding over to the table, she took stock of the group, as she always did. Four of them, all in their twenties, but not new Marines. They were a little older than the newly minted recruit.
All of them were built, like most Marines, but she could tell they were friends and not family...not outside of the Marines.
"Good evening. What can I get for you?"
The four of them immediately grew quiet and all of them smiled except one. He looked...well stunned was the best way to put it. The others all seemed to be ready to charm her though. Great. She wasn't in the mood for Lotharios.
The blond spoke up first. He was taller than the rest, had a bunch of freckles scattered over his face...but she wasn't fooled. Most of the ones who looked so innocent were the worst--she had learned that early enough in life.
"Whatcha got on tap, darlin'?" he asked, his voice heavy with Texas twang.
She named off the beers and he picked one. The other two agreed but the fourth kept staring at her. Not in a creepy way, but he looked shocked as if she had horns growing out of her head. She wanted to ask him what the hell was his problem, but she was having problems thinking. He was definitely the most attractive of the group. Dark hair, chocolate brown eyes, and he had one of those strong jaws that attracted her.
Well, used to attract her.
"And you? Do you want anything?"
Blondie glanced at his friend and laughed. "Cat got your tongue, Papa?"
He didn't say anything to his friend, and she was starting to wonder if there was something wrong with him. "Papa?" she asked.
"A nickname we gave him. We also call him The Great Santini, but at the moment, he's not acting all that great."
Like she didn't know they all had nicknames for each other and that some of them were horrible. At least this one could be said in public.
"So, would you like to order or should I bring whatever I feel like bringing you?"
Papa shook himself and then...a slow smile curled his lips. Dimples appeared and Joey felt the air back up in her lungs. She did her best to suppress the sigh that threatened to escape. He was attractive to begin with but he was lethal with that smile.
"Whiskey, neat."
She nodded and turned to rush back to the bar. Sam was setting up the last of her other order.
"Three Buds and whiskey neat for the Great Santini fellow."
For a second, Sam stilled then grabbed his glasses off the shelf. After slipping them on, he peered over her shoulder. "I'll be damned. Papa Santini, get your lily white ass over here."
She heard a laugh and then the man approached from behind. Sam came from around the bar--something he rarely did--and pulled the Marine into a bear hug.
"Let me look at you. Lord, I can't believe you're already old enough to be a Marine."
He laughed. "Mom says the same thing."
"Could we get those drinks?" her customers yelled from the other table.
She grabbed her tray and headed off to the other table. By the time she returned, Papa and Sam were already exchanging memories of old times.
"So, Joey, this here is Stewart Santini. His father and I served together. I'm still trying to find out why he didn't call me before he came down here."
"I wanted to surprise you. Mom says to tell you that they will be down soon and I'm supposed to make sure Thelma is taking it easy."
"She is, thanks to Joey here. Looks after her as if she were her own mother."
Sam and Thelma had only one son, who had been killed in action three years earlier.
When Papa or Stewart, or whoever he was, looked at her again, she felt that same weird reaction as earlier. Her body went hot like an electrical spark and she felt breathless.
"Well, my mother thanks you. Ever since she heard about Thelma's accident, she's been worried."
"How are your brothers?" Sam asked.
Good lord, there were more of them. The thought that there were more of them at home like him was mind-boggling.
"All fine. Dave is finishing up at Annapolis next year. Tony and Adam are still in high school."
"Let me get you those drinks."
Sam hurried around the bar. Stewart really hadn't taken his attention away from her since he had looked at her a few moments earlier.
"So, Joey has to be short for something."
She heard the charm there, and she was honest enough with herself to know it made her want to blush. She just wasn't stupid enough to fall for it.
"Yeah, it is, Stewart."
He chuckled. "I should have made sure Sam knew not to call me by my real name."
She heard the front door squeak open and a few college students came in. "I'm going to assume you can get your own drink."
"Sure thing, Joey." He had emphasized her name, rolling his thick northeastern accent over it. She would not admit to anyone but herself that it sent a rush of need coursing through her.
Wanting distance from her disturbing reaction to the Marine, she hurried off to the college students. It really had been a long freaking day.
Sarah's Review:
Thanks to Melissa Schroeder for giving us the chance to review this story. Adri and I both love the Santini brothers and I can only tell you about my excitement about Joey and Papa Santini's story. I have been a fan of Joey right from Leonardo's book right up through Vicente's book. This one, this one made me wish that my momma was like her.
We get to see how Joey and Papa meet. We get to see why Joey is such a strong woman and why Papa just does what Joey says in the boys' books. Oh and we get to see Joey's spunk, which I for one absolutely love. You can see the love that Papa and Joey have for each other and why after all these years, they are still in love.
I love that we were able to get a glimpse into the future of the Santini boys' and their growing families.
Adri's Review:
You first fall in love with Joey Santini in Leo’s book, but
this book makes you love her even more.
While at the hospital sitting at her husband’s side, Joey
remembers how they met. But that isn’t all that we learn from her memories, we
find out what makes her such a strong person. How she became such a commanding presence
in the Santini family and why Papa Santini loves and adores her so much. We
learn what an affect she had on him from second one and why he’s dedicated his
life into making her happy.
The characters strength is amazing and makes you like her
even more.
It’s also very nice to see more of Papa Santini, even though he’s
always been around in the other books, we’ve never gotten to see this side of
the character. Which to me is fantastic, he is such a wonderful sweet, strong
and protective man, you just cant help but love him as well.
Well I hope this help you all decide, but trust us when we
tell you… YOU WILL LOVE IT.
Happy Reading… Adri
A Santini Christmas
Join the Santinis as they gather together not for the joy of the season, but in crisis. One major event throws everything they hold dear into jeopardy, causing Joey to travel back to the memories of when she and Papa first fell in love.Joey Antonio doesn’t have time for men. Her focus is on saving money for art school. She definitely doesn’t need some jarhead Romeo bothering her. True, every time they run into each other she finds herself more attracted to him—not to mention the kisses he steals are becoming addictive. Still, no matter how sexy the Marine is, she isn’t a woman who is willing to risk her heart.
Stewart Santini, known to everyone as Papa, is convinced Joey is the woman for him. Sexy, smart and tough—exactly how he likes his women. He finds himself falling even before he knows what hit him…but there is one problem: Joey is willing to share her bed, but not her life.
Papa knows Joey is surprised when he agrees to a casual affair, but he has other plans to set him motion. This is one Marine who will battle to win the most precious thing in the world to him: Joey Antonio’s heart.
- See more at: http://www.melissaschroeder.net/books/santinis/christmas.php#sthash.o5epiTKQ.dpuf
A Santini Christmas
Join the Santinis as they gather together not for the joy of the season, but in crisis. One major event throws everything they hold dear into jeopardy, causing Joey to travel back to the memories of when she and Papa first fell in love.Joey Antonio doesn’t have time for men. Her focus is on saving money for art school. She definitely doesn’t need some jarhead Romeo bothering her. True, every time they run into each other she finds herself more attracted to him—not to mention the kisses he steals are becoming addictive. Still, no matter how sexy the Marine is, she isn’t a woman who is willing to risk her heart.
Stewart Santini, known to everyone as Papa, is convinced Joey is the woman for him. Sexy, smart and tough—exactly how he likes his women. He finds himself falling even before he knows what hit him…but there is one problem: Joey is willing to share her bed, but not her life.
Papa knows Joey is surprised when he agrees to a casual affair, but he has other plans to set him motion. This is one Marine who will battle to win the most precious thing in the world to him: Joey Antonio’s heart.
- See more at: http://www.melissaschroeder.net/books/santinis/christmas.php#sthash.o5epiTKQ.dpuf
A Santini Christmas
Join the Santinis as they gather together not for the joy of the season, but in crisis. One major event throws everything they hold dear into jeopardy, causing Joey to travel back to the memories of when she and Papa first fell in love.Joey Antonio doesn’t have time for men. Her focus is on saving money for art school. She definitely doesn’t need some jarhead Romeo bothering her. True, every time they run into each other she finds herself more attracted to him—not to mention the kisses he steals are becoming addictive. Still, no matter how sexy the Marine is, she isn’t a woman who is willing to risk her heart.
Stewart Santini, known to everyone as Papa, is convinced Joey is the woman for him. Sexy, smart and tough—exactly how he likes his women. He finds himself falling even before he knows what hit him…but there is one problem: Joey is willing to share her bed, but not her life.
Papa knows Joey is surprised when he agrees to a casual affair, but he has other plans to set him motion. This is one Marine who will battle to win the most precious thing in the world to him: Joey Antonio’s heart.
- See more at: http://www.melissaschroeder.net/books/santinis/christmas.php#sthash.o5epiTKQ.dpuf
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